[1.5.x] Universal Ajax Optional Fee

[1.5.x] Universal Ajax Optional Fee
[1.5.x] Universal Ajax Optional Fee [1.5.x] Universal Ajax Optional Fee [1.5.x] Universal Ajax Optional Fee
Product Code: ajax-optional-fee
Availability: In Stock
Price: $29.99
What does it do:
This contrib adds a new optional fee option during checkout on the shipping step.
For example you could title it "Insurance" and set a fee based on the cart total.
If the customer wants insurance, he can check the box to enable it during checkout.
The insurance fee will be added to his order totals immediately using Ajax update in the background
The insurance fee is based on an admin configurable rate.
Multiple rates breaks can be setup for multiple total ranges.
Can also be used alternatively for other options at checkout (Gift Wrap, Expedited packaging, donations, Rush orders, etc) by simply changing the wording.
You must have the latest vQmod installed (http://vQmod.com)
Main features:
  * Uses Ajax in the background to apply immediately
  * Does not rely on specific shipping method or payment method
  * Can be used as any type of optional fee (insurance, gift wrap, rush order, donations, etc)
  * Rates are based on subtotal.
  * Supports multiple rate breaks (subtotal:cost, subtotal:cost, etc)
  * Can be static fee or percentage based fee.
  * Can even be set negative for an optional discount.
  * Automatically applied to the cart total.
  * Supports Geo Zones
  * Supports Tax Classes
  * Supports Uber Checkout and should be able to be added easily to other checkout systems.

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