What does it do:
This contrib adds support for "My Virtual Merchant" integration from www.myvirtualmerchant.com
If using Merchant Hosted mode, the cart confirmation page will have the credit card fields directly on the page and all processing is done using your domains own SSL certificate.
If not using Merchant Hosted mode, the customer will be redirected to the secure gateway hosted page to enter their CC details. No SSL needed.
* You will of course need to have a My Virtual Merchant account.
* You "SHOULD" have an SSL Certificate when using Merchant Hosted mode
Main features:
* Merchant and Gateway hosted options
* All customer data collected & processed on your site
* Debug Mode (logs debug info for troubleshooting)
* Test mode Support
* Full support of error messages.
Test Mode:
Test credit card number:
Visa: 4111111111111111
Exp: 05/13 (or any valid)
CVV: 123
Enable debug mode from the admin area only if you are getting errors.
This will enable logging of the data being sent in its raw form and the response.
You should disable this when not troubleshooting.