Supported OpenCart Versions:
What does it do:
This contrib adds support for "NetworkMerchants" (NMI) Direct Post payment integration for
The cart confirmation page will have the CC fields directly on the page.
All processing is done on your domain and the customer never leaves your site.
* You will of course need to have a gateway account.
* It is recommended to have an SSL Certificate.
Main features:
* Onsite Credit Card payments
* Customer never leaves your site to pay.
* Processing is done with ajax instantly on your store
* Debug Logging (logs debug info to your system error log for troubleshooting)
* Full support of error handling and logging.
* Uses the OpenCart Extension system, No core files are overwritten.
* Fully PCI/PA-DSS compliant. No sensitive data is stored on your server.
* Full form validation during checkout to prevent incorrect card details or missing fields.