What does it do:
This contrib adds support for e-path.com.au payment integration. The checkout button will redirect the customer to the merchant's own e-Path gateway system to pay, then redirect back to the store to confirm the order
* You will of course need to have an e-path.com.au account.
* You will need to have AUD currency added or the payment will not activate.
Main features:
* Ajax handles OpenCart Confirm/Clear process (See IMPORTANT NOTE below)
* Custom order status
How to install it:
1) Unzip and upload the contents to the root directory of your OpenCart installation, preserving directory structure
2) From the admin menu, go to 'Admin->Users->User Groups'. Edit Top Administrators
3) Find and check the entries for any unchecked files in both modify and access. save.
4) From the admin menu, go to 'Extensions->Payment'.
5) Install the module, and click edit to configure.
ePath is not a "live" gateway. The callback process will confirm the order based on the return url trigger, but there is no data to be validated. It is up to the store owner to verify the payment from the gateway account.
Set the cart to test mode to test the integration with the gateway.
During checkout, you can use 4111111111111111 as the visa credit card number with any valid exp date and 123 for cvv.