Payment extensions are the payment choices that are offered during checkout. All of my payment extensions are designed to be "plug-n-play". You simply upload them to your site via ftp, then they will be available for install and configuration from the admin menu. Plug-n-play modules are 100% self contained or use vQmod when core edits are needed. This means opencart upgrades will not overwrite the files.
This payment extension allows you to create a custom payment form during checkout to collect any type of information you need.
It is an "offline" type extension so there are no gateways or processing done to the data. It simply collects the data and saves it to the order comments.
It was intended for collecting data like Purchase Orders, Advanced Bank Transfer Details, Checking account details, and other customer details like SSN, birthdate, etc.
You can crea..
What does it do:
This extension adds the ability to process credit cards real-time with CyberSource Silent Order Post interface.
Credit card entry is done on your site. Form data is sent securely from the server to their gateway over SSL.
All processing is handled in the background.
* You will of course need to have a merchant account for taking credit card paymen..
Supported OpenCart Versions:
What does it do:
This contrib adds support for (PxPay) payment integration.
The checkout button will redirect the customer to the payment express site to login and pay.
Once payment is completed, the page will redirect back to your site.
Alternatively use the iframe option to show the form right on your site
It supports both PxPay1.0 and PxPay2.0
What does it do:
This adds integration with for payment integration.
During checkout, the customer is redirected to the secure payment gateway to enter their payment information by mobile or bank.
After payment, they are returned back to your site's success page.
* You will of course need to have a gateway account.
Main features:
* All data processed securely on the secure gateway.
What does it do:
This contrib adds support for "" payment integration.
Customers never leave your site.
They enter their card data directly on your checkout page and the order is processed securely using your SSL certificate
* You will of course need to have a gateway account.
* You "should" have an SSL certificate since card data is being entered on your site
Main features:
* Onsite di..
Supported OpenCart Versions:
What does it do:
This adds payment integration for "Iveri (LITE)" South Africa payment integration.
Customers enter their card data on your checkout page.
Then the form is sent over to Iveri's gateway momentarily and returned back to your site as success or decline
* You will of course need to have an account.
* You "should" have an SSL certificat..
Supported OpenCart Versions:
What does it do:
This contrib adds support for "" Icelandic payment integration.
The checkout button will redirect the customer to the gateway site.
From there, the customer enters the payment details and pays.
Once payment is completed, the page will redirect back to your site to complete the order.
* You will of course need to have a acco..
Supported OpenCart Versions:
What does it do:
This extension adds support for MIGS Gateway integration.
MIGS is the "Mastercard Internet Gateway Service" gateway that many merchant providers use for their transaction gateway.
Don't let the name fool you, this service supports all major credit cards.
It supports the Merchant hosted option, allowing the choice between using your own secure host to host the payment
Supported OpenCart Versions:
What does it do:
This extension adds support for MIGS Gateway integration.
MIGS is the "Mastercard Internet Gateway Service" gateway that many merchant providers use for their transaction gateway.
Don't let the name fool you, this service supports all major credit cards.
It supports the Server Hosted option, allowing use of MIGS secure system.
Server Hosted - For those not using SSL. The chec..
Supported OpenCart Versions:
What does it do:
This extension adds Moneris eSelect (API) payment integration.
The module integrates completely with the OpenCart store and your customer never leaves your site.
All payment transaction is handled securely in the background.
Supports both Moneris USA and Moneris Canada APIs
* You will of course need to have a Moneris account.
* You "sho..
Supported OpenCart Versions:
What does it do:
This contrib adds support for Canadian Moneris eSelect (Hosted Payment Pages) payment integration in USA & Canada.
During checkout, the customer is redirected to the secure Moneris payment gateway to enter their payment information.
After payment, they are returned back to your site's success page.
This package includes both US and CA versions of the mod so you can accept both..
What does it do:
This contrib adds support for POST IFRAME payment integration
Instead of redirecting customers to an external site, customers are shown the secure payment form inside of an iframe right on your store's checkout page.
The customer never leaves and likely won't even realize he was using an iframe because it is seamless integrated into the site.
After payment, customer is then shown to your cart success page as normal.