[1.5.x] Paypoint Gateway Freedom/Pro

[1.5.x] Paypoint Gateway Freedom/Pro
Product Code: paypointpro
Availability: In Stock
Price: $89.99

What does it do:
This contrib adds support for Paypoint Pro payment integration. The module integrates completely with the OpenCart store and your customer never leaves your site. All payment transaction is handled in the background.

  * You will of course need to have an Paypoint account.
  * You "should" have an SSL certificate to ensure secure transactions from your site.

Main features:
  * All credit card processing is done on your site. Customer never leaves.
  * Uses custom error handler on the checkout/confirm page to show any card errors.
  * Configurable for test and production accounts simultaneously for easy mode switching.
  * Custom Final Order Status

How to install it:
1) Unzip and upload the contents of the upload folder to the root directory of your OpenCart installation.
2) From the admin menu, go to 'Admin->Users->User Groups'. Edit the Top Administrator.
3) Find and check the entries for any unchecked files in both modify and access. save.
4) From the admin menu, go to 'Extensions->Payment'.
5) Install the module, and click edit to configure.

In testmode, Use 4111111111111111 as the credit card number with any valid exp date and 123 for cvv.

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