[1.5.x] UPS Address Verification

[1.5.x] UPS Address Verification
[1.5.x] UPS Address Verification [1.5.x] UPS Address Verification
Product Code: upsav
Availability: In Stock
Price: $29.99


What does it do:
Adds a validation check during registration or checkout to validate United States (USA) Addresses using the UPS Address Validation API.
When a user enters his information and clicks the continue button, the address is sent to UPS and validated against the USPS Address Verification.
If the address is a match, it will continue successfully with no alert.
If the address doesn't match, it will return suggestions
If the address is way off, it will report the error reason
  * You will need to have the vQmod engine installed (http://vQmod.com)
  * A free UPS Developer account to authenticate the use of their API
You can get that here: https://www.ups.com/upsdeveloperkit?loc=en_AR
You will need your UPS userid, password, and developer access key
Main features:
  * Simple vQmod script plug and play
  * Works with any US based billing or shipping address
  * Works with all registration and guest checkout processes. Anywhere an address is entered.
How to install it:
1) Install vQmod first from http://vqmod.com
2) Unzip and upload the "vqmod" and "system" folders to your store's root path
3) Goto the vqmod/xml folder and edit the ups_address_Verify.xml file
4) For each location, Change the userid, password, and accesskey values to your own values.
They are marked as "XXXXXX", "YYYYYY", "ZZZZZZ" respectively so you can globally replace them.
5) Save and reupload.
When an address is entered, if it is invalid, it will report the error and/or suggestions

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