[1.5.x] Weight-Based Discounts (OpenCart)

[1.5.x] Weight-Based Discounts (OpenCart)
[1.5.x] Weight-Based Discounts (OpenCart)
Product Code: weight-discount
Availability: In Stock
Price: $39.99

What does it do:
This contrib adds the ability to give customers automatic discounts based on their cart weight.
Great for giving discounts on large orders at different weight breaks.

Main features:
  * Can be static value or percentage based. (100:10%, 150:20%, 300+:15.00, etc)
  * Multiple rates based on subtotal or less (upper weight:discount, upper weight:discount, etc)
  * Automatically applied to the cart total on the confirmation page.

How to install it:
1) Unzip and upload the contents to the root directory of your OpenCart installation, preserving directory structure
2) From the admin menu, go to 'Admin->Users->User Groups'.
3) Find and check the entries for any unchecked files in both modify and access. save.
4) From the admin menu, go to 'Extensions->Order Total'.
5) Install the module, and click edit to configure.
6) Adjust the Sort Order to where you want it to be. You'd certainly want it to apply before the final `Total` is calculated.

Percentages are based on the cart total (product total + tax).

Examples of use:
Be aware that the upper weight value is the "high" value.
This means everything up to that value gets the associated discount

100:10% means carts that weight from 0.01 to 100.00 are 10% off and orders higher than 100 gives no discount.
This is typically NOT what you want.

Instead, if you want to give a discount for orders of $100 or greater, use:
100:0, 150:10%, 200:15%, 201+:20%
That means carts that weigh 100 or less get no discount
Carts weighing from 101 to 150 get a 10% discount
Carts weighing from 151 to 200 get a 15% discount
Carts weight 201 or more (note the + sign) are 20% discount

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